What will a 3500 watt generator run?
Do you own a generator or are you planning to purchase one? I am sure you are wondering how much power you need or what will it run? Confusion always arises when we speak about the capacity of generators and this article will enlighten you about the basics of running a 3500-watt generator. Please continue reading as I explain…
What is a Generator?
A generator is a device that people use to supply electricity during power interruptions. Generators enable people to continue their daily activities and business operations despite the power disruption. This device features various electrical and mechanical configurations for different applications.
A generator does not create electrical energy instead it uses mechanical energy from the movement of the motor and converts it into electrical current. That is how we get the power! Knowing the ‘size’ of your generator will also help you determine how many appliances it can run. Sizing the generator to the correct wattage is necessary to avoid generator overload (an overloaded condition is when you are trying to run more appliances than the generator can handle) this will cause the generator to need repair and can also damage the appliances you are trying to operate.
What appliances can a 3500-watt generator run?
A 3500-watt generator is one of the best options for emergency backup electricity as it is capable of supplying power to run several medium sized household appliances at the same time. It will provide around 14 amps at 240 volts or 28 amps at standard 120 volt power.
Here are some items that will run on a 3500-watt generator:
In a household setting:
- Energy saving LED or CFL lights which consume about 14 watts each
- A freezer, which on average consumes about 700 watts and needs 2100 to start
- A refrigerator which needs 2100 to start and on average consumes 700 watts
- A 1/3 hp sump pump which on average use 516 watts and needs 1550 to start
In a Recreational Vehicle setting:
- Blender 850 Watts
- Electric Grill 1650 Watts
- Hair Dryer 1900 Watts
- Coffee maker 600 Watts
- Electric heater, 1500 Watts
- Flat screen Television 120 Watts
- Laptop PC 225 Watts
- Portable Fan 120 Watts
- DVD player 350 Watts
It is important to note that the above-mentioned items should not be plugged in at the same time and assumes that the generator has a starting surge capacity of 25%. Running all the appliances at the same time may cause damage to the generator. Being aware of the capacity of the generator is necessary as you will be able to prepare and plan which appliances should you run without causing any damage or overload.
Why should you choose a 3500-watt generator?
Always consider what type of essential appliances you will be running through the generator before purchasing one. There are a few things that should be looked into such as the voltage or capacity of the appliance and the amount of fuel that you will be needed while the engine is operating.
Ideal for running single or multiple appliances
Choose a 3500-watt generator if your main purpose is to power up the household lighting, small appliances, or items that are used in everyday life such as the refrigerator, freezer, well and sump pumps. With the 3500-watt generator, your daily household activities and level of comfort will not be compromised. Most generators in the same range have a weight of 150 pounds which is relatively light and easy to move around.
Affordable and has a low operational cost
The 3500-watt generator is fuel efficient. In fact, you can keep an inverter generator running for 8 or 10 hours using only 2 to 3 gallons of gas.
In addition, most generators with a 3500-watt capacity are affordable and are widely available.
The Verdict
A generator is a device that serves as an electric alternative during power outage. It comes with various configurations and features that are suited for different applications. There are also points to consider when choosing to buy a generator including the type of appliances that you will be running, fuel consumption and the right wattage for the device.
A 3500-watt generator is recommended for running various small or medium devices at the same time. It is important to know the electrical requirements of every appliance that you will be running to ensure efficient use and overall safety. The 3500-watt generator can conveniently power up a few lights, fridge, freezer, AC, etc. Learning how to prioritize which appliance or item needs power is helpful for your own convenience.
A 3500-watt generator is also ideal if you need to power up lights and a few other items while you are camping. In fact, you will have the luxury to charge your gadgets while in the middle of a jungle camp.
These are just few items that will run in a 3500-watt generator. It still depends on you to work out the best way to ensure that all of your power needs are covered. Remember to study the basics of operating a generator to avoid damage and other accidents. Safety first before anything!
But, the final verdict is… a 3500-watt generator is versatile as you can take it anywhere and can power up those essential appliance without any issues. It is also adaptable to all settings and can be moved easily as most of them are quite lightweight. Lastly, you can save because it is fuel efficient!
April 12, 2019 @ 3:41 pm
This article is so helpful in sizing my generator. Thanks so much.
July 29, 2019 @ 4:49 pm
Thank you. Do you know anything about ( inverted?)generators because of the noise factor. It is illegal to use one in my condo development but I live on the first floor and during a hurricane nobody is here but there are tattle tails everywhere.
August 25, 2019 @ 2:53 am
Inverter Generators are very quiet, in an emergency, if you had a small 2000 watt generator it may get you by.
November 24, 2019 @ 8:48 am
Please, can I run 1.5hp split AC, Freezer, Washing Machine and Flat screen TV with 3500 Watts?
November 26, 2019 @ 12:20 pm
You would not be able to run all those items at the same time. I would recommend a 6500 watt generator to handle those loads.
July 25, 2020 @ 3:35 am
What size generator would run a refrigerator, freezer, stove top, microwave, tv and one outlet for phone charging?
July 28, 2020 @ 2:01 am
Hi Mary Beth, to be on the safe side, I would go with a 5500 watt or larger, depending on how many watts the stove top is.
August 10, 2020 @ 11:58 am
Can I run 3 refrigerator’s the same time and lights. And tv. And air conditioner unit with. 9750 watts to start. And run 7500 champion?
September 9, 2020 @ 2:11 am
Hi Peter:
Depending on the size of the AC, that generator will handle all those appliances.
July 11, 2019 @ 12:48 pm
Does not say if it will run a 5000 btu small ac. The most important question for the deep south.
August 25, 2019 @ 2:56 am
Hello Patsy:
A 3500 watt generator can run a 5000 btu AC unit with ease, you should e able to run several of them.
August 31, 2019 @ 12:45 am
Can you have an electrician hook it up to run a home ac unit and tv?
September 7, 2019 @ 1:57 pm
Belinda, Yes an electrician can install a manual transfer switch which will allow you to pick and choose which appliances or circuits you wish to power.
September 3, 2019 @ 3:14 pm
Are generators safe to run outside the home in the rain?
September 7, 2019 @ 1:54 pm
James, thats a tough one. The manufacturers suggest you do not run them in the rain due to a potential shock hazard. Most people have run them in storms when power outages occur without issues. I would recommend getting a “Gen Tent” a cover that can be used while running. Here is an example: https://amzn.to/2UDyGJT
September 21, 2019 @ 9:17 pm
Can this run a 1 hp condura airconditioner
October 10, 2019 @ 1:32 am
Yes, The 3500 watt should run that no problem.
October 24, 2019 @ 12:24 pm
Could you run your Fridge/Freezer a TV and a fan at the same time? I only have a 3500 generator, but with SCE going to shut off power on a regular basis I am going to get another one. Thinking of getting a Dual Fuel 7,750/6,250-Watt do you have an article or advice as to how many things could run at one time on that?
October 27, 2019 @ 6:00 pm
Hi Werra, you can run your refrigerator, tv, and fan at the same time. If you decide to upgrade to the 6250 watter, you will be able to run almost everything, with the exception of some high wattage items such as an electric range, dryer, and central air.
October 25, 2019 @ 3:50 am
Just replaced my panel and had cross over box installed to power 6 circuits. My main question is will a 3500 watt generator run my trane heater which is gas with electric start as well as my refrigerator and a host of lights and tv. I can more see buying a bigger size, 7000 watts, if 3500 will handle my primary need. Thank you in advance for your assistance and response.
October 27, 2019 @ 6:05 pm
Lloyd, a 3500 watt can be used to run those items. If the generator is working too hard, you could shut off the heat (once its up to temperature) or the refrigerator ( can turn that circuit back on every 4-6 hours). If you pay attention to whats happening in an emergency, a 3500 watt generator should get you by with the basics.
October 25, 2019 @ 3:56 am
Just replaced my panel and had cross over box installed to power 6 circuits. My main question is will a 3500 watt generator run my trane heater, 96 percent efficiency unit, which is gas with electric start. Also want to run my refrigerator and a host of lights and tv off another circuit on the cross over box. I can not see buying a bigger size unit, 7000 watts which I have been told, if a 3500 watt unit will handle my primary need during an outage. Thank you in advance for your assistance and response.
November 26, 2019 @ 12:25 pm
Individually, a 3500 watt generator can run all those items. If the generator tripped it mat be because the furnace and refrigerator tried to start at the same time. You could always turn off the breaker to the furnace when its up to temperature and then you would have no issue.
October 26, 2019 @ 8:56 pm
Can I run 2 refrigerator/freezers off one 3500 generator?
October 27, 2019 @ 5:55 pm
Yes, a 3500 watt should run both appliances without an issue.
October 27, 2019 @ 5:42 am
I am currently running my 3500-4000 watt, peak unit. Thanks to PGE shutdowns.
We have a very large house. I am back feeding through an outlet at the panel with #12 extension cord.
ALWAYS TURN OFF THE MAIN before doing this as not to power the grid. If you have solar be sure and disconnect that as well both on the inverter and the disconnect.
So tonight we have 8 led lights, led TV, DVD player and two refrigerators running. So far so good. I won’t leave it on all night. I will shut it down around midnight and restart it in the morning. The plan is to have a 8KW self starter installed. It will run on natural gas. Thanks PG&E !!
This on top of the solar we were forced to install due to insane costs
October 27, 2019 @ 4:12 pm
Can I run a computer, printer and lights at the same time with a 3500 ?
October 27, 2019 @ 5:54 pm
Yes, you can run all that and more with a 3500 watt generator.
November 11, 2019 @ 5:34 pm
I have a 3800 watt generator. I want to run a 1500 watt space heater which runs 12.5 amps on high setting and 7.5 amps on low. I will need to use a 50 ft extension cord. I have one that is 14 gauge wire. the label claims 15 amps max and 1875 maximum wattage. I read so much about not using extension cords with generators and extension cords I just want to make sure. Thanks.
November 12, 2019 @ 1:04 pm
Hello Steve:
A 14 gauge wire is rated for a maximum of 12 amps so your over the capacity. I highly recommend you purchase a 12 gauge extension cord.
March 28, 2020 @ 5:27 pm
I have read all of the comments and answers and am very impressed, I borrowed my brothers 7000 watt Generator and was really Impressed with the operation of it except for the noise, when I used his Generator in a 5 day outage this past summer , I turned the circuit breakers off and pulled the Utility meter so I did not take a chance of back feeding the utility lines, I hooked the generator to the garage circuit breaker panel, with two 12/3 110 cords, on two 110 plugs and hooked one to the left side circuit and the other one to the right side circuit and turned the power back on and I had power to the whole house on both sides, It ran every thing in the house, I left the central air off because I was thinking it would not work, Once the power outage was over with I turned breakers back off and put the meter back in, and turned the breakers back on. My question is I am considering the 3,500 watt Generator because it is advertised to be a quite running Generator and good on fuel and light, I am wanting to purchase this if it will run a Freezer, Refrigerator, Gas furnace. some lights and small appliances. washing machine and gas dryer, In case of a power outage in the winter time here in Michigan . how much of this can be used at the same time and if not on a 3,500 watt Generator. I am wondering how you would go about running all of this if you only had a 3,500 watt,
March 29, 2020 @ 5:47 pm
Hello Ken:
I’m glad you like the site. A 3500 watt generator would be too small to run most of those appliances at the same time. My recommendation would be to install a manual 6-10 circuit transfer switch to use in conjunction with the generator. This way you could easily select one appliance at a time to run, without swapping extension cords. For example, you could run your refrigerator for 30 minutes, then shut that breaker off and turn on the furnace when you need heat, etc. The transfer switch that I use for these situations is the Generac 6854 upgradeable transfer switch kit. https://amzn.to/2w2n0bS
March 30, 2020 @ 5:07 pm
Can I run my freezer, flat screen tv and it’s two air conditioner which is 1hose power each ? With a standing fan on a 3600 watt
March 30, 2020 @ 10:15 pm
Hi Tony:
The freezer and flat screen tv is no problem. You might be able to run one air conditioner, but definitely not both at the same time.
June 8, 2020 @ 4:18 pm
I have a 3500 watt-4000 peak generator. It does not have a L-14-30 outlet but rather only a TT-30RV outlet. Can I use an adapter to connect my generator to a transfer switch as the switch only has L-14-30? I will be running a few lights, TV, a 12,000 btu A/C, and a refrigerator. Not all at the same time mind you but want to know if there are any issues converting the plug at the box with an adapter. Southern Texas and hurricanes means A/C is a must.
July 8, 2020 @ 2:32 am
Jeff, a TT-30RV is a 125volt plug. The L14-30 is 240 volts. That being the case you will not be able to get the required voltage to run a central air system, but will be able to run portable ones.
June 26, 2020 @ 4:54 pm
Is there a brand of a3500 watt generator you recommend? Are they all quiet? My husband is on oxygen 24 hours a day using a concentrator. I am concerned about a power outage. And I don’t want to have to store a lot of gas. From what I have been reading, the 3500 watt would work well for all our needs.
July 8, 2020 @ 2:27 am
Hi Cindy, I’m a little biased because I’m a Generac Dealer, and I have had very good reliability with them. I would recommend Generac or Honda.
July 5, 2020 @ 1:17 am
Can you run ac / microwave/ refrigerator at the same time in your RV with a 3500 watt inverter
July 8, 2020 @ 2:24 am
Hi Donny, yes running both should be no issue for a 3500 watt inverter generator.
July 11, 2020 @ 5:30 pm
I’m looking at purchasing a Champion generator from Costco either 3500 watt or 9000 watt running as a back up for a cottage in north Ontario. When needed we have to power a well jet pump, fridge, a few lights and possibly a TV all at same time. First question is a Champion brand reliable and second is the 3500 watt running enough to power all at same time?
July 14, 2020 @ 12:08 pm
Hello Paul:
Champion has been around a while and I do like their design and for the price you can’t go wrong. The fridge, lights, Tv are no problem. If you are talking about a standard well, it will handle that too with the 3500. The jet pump (not sure what that is) are you talking about a sewage ejection pump) I would need to see the specifications on that.
July 11, 2020 @ 11:54 pm
I have a 3500 watt predator generator, could I run 2 5000btu AC’s and a small fan on this?
July 14, 2020 @ 12:10 pm
Hi Cassandra:
Yes, a 5000 Btu AC only takes about 550 watts, so you should be fine.
July 23, 2020 @ 3:53 pm
Will a 3500 run a refrigerator and 2 deep freezers at the same time
July 28, 2020 @ 1:59 am
Yes, That should handle it. The freezers, unless you open them constantly, will not run that often.
August 4, 2020 @ 4:42 pm
I live outside of Chicago can I run my furnace in winter time off of 3500 W generator
August 5, 2020 @ 3:08 am
Hello Art:
Yes, If its a gas or oil furnace a 3500 watt generator will run it no problem.
August 13, 2020 @ 5:54 am
Will a 3500 watt generator run a fridge, a 800 watt microwave and a couple of led ligths?
September 9, 2020 @ 2:09 am
Yes shouldn’t be a problem at all.
August 22, 2020 @ 5:27 pm
I just had an electrician install a 50 amp outlet to plug in generator to service panel. how large of a generator would I need to run fridge, some lights, tv, and central air, or maybe whole house including stove?
September 9, 2020 @ 2:08 am
Hello Gary:
The Central Air and Electric stove are both heavy loads. To run everything you would need a 16kw or larger. Eliminate those 2 items and you could get away with a 3500- 8000 watt generator.
August 24, 2020 @ 7:04 pm
Can I run a 6500 btu a/c window unit, 17.34 cu. in. freezer, side-by-side refridg/freez., tv, a few fans, a light, and a medium size toaster oven?
September 9, 2020 @ 2:13 am
Hi Tommy:
Not all at the same time, but a few of them would not be a problem. You could always shut the AC off when you use the toaster oven.
August 28, 2020 @ 2:40 pm
I want to get a generator that will run my refrigerator (which includes a freezer compartment), natural gas furnace (which includes hot water heater) and a few outlets to power my internet modem and a couple of lights, phone chargers. What size generator would I need, please?
September 9, 2020 @ 2:05 am
Hi Loretta:
A 3500 watt minimum should work fine.
September 1, 2020 @ 12:36 pm
We need a generator for a 40ft 5th wheel. Buying one and installing it is so expensive..with this portable 3500watt will it work for our 5th wheel..the basic .2 a/c fridge and freezer a coffee pot and tv ,light. Just incase we couldnt find a campground with electric
September 9, 2020 @ 2:14 am
It will run all of those appliances with the exception being the AC, I would need to know how large it is.
December 21, 2020 @ 2:24 am
Can my new 3500 generator handle a freezer/refrigerator and a furnace?
December 27, 2020 @ 9:19 pm
Hi Theresa, a 3500 watt generator should handle all 3 appliances. As long as the freezer isnt opened that often it will not run too much anyway.